Human capital for, on, around private company goverance
We amplify the Board of Directors.
Wisdom Board offers our community an extensive professional resource network - board director talent, board assessments, accounting, financing, and access to CEOs, capital, experts, and best-in-breed service providers.
Join us for complete access to our resources, expertise, and network
Human Capital for Board of Directors, Owners, Investors
Korn Ferry
Our platform offers our community extensive expertise around corporate governance - join to leverage our unique corporate services and robust network.
Wisdom Board delivers professional board assessments to our community and their CEOs, board chairs, and owners. Wisdom Board founders have direct experience founding, chairing, serving, and advising tens of Boards.
Korn Ferry is one of our preferred expert providers in this resource segment.
Korn Ferry was founded 1969, and is the leading human capital and global organizational consulting firm, with $2 billion of revenues, over 8,500 employees in over 50 countries.
The firm is unique in its ability to synchronize strategy and talent to drive superior performance, working with clients to design their organizational structures, roles, and responsibilities.
Korn Ferry helps its clients hire the right people and advise them on how to reward, develop and motivate their workforce, and help professionals navigate and advance their careers.
Reach out to us to discuss these resources as a member or non-member ! See “Learn More” above

Wisdom Board believes that all of us, professionally, have an opportunity to expand our minds, augment our knowledge, and do best for those we serve.
Join as either an individual or group member for full access to our offerings, content, and network.